Want to shave off a few dollars from your overhead? Make your own syrups! Since 1936, Hawaii's Finest® Shave Ice/Sno-Kone® Flavor Concentrates have been midway favorites, yielding the best quality at the lowest cost. Keep your customers satisfied with adding a variety of flavor concentrates such as Tropical Fruit #1045 to your snow cone supplies at festivals, stadiums, pools and more!
Quart-size Sno-Kone® Concentrates
One quart (32 oz.) bottle plus sugar makes 8 gal. of ready-to-use syrup. Directions: 4 oz. concentrate + 5-6 lbs. sugar + 1 gal. water.
*KOSHER (PAREVE)* snow cone snokone snocone sno kone gold medal shaved shave ice hawaii flavour